In the past I’ve taught football 101 down here in South Florida for the Dolphins (not my team but I’m teaching football not how to root for the Dolphins). I’m going to be speaking to a group of professional women at the Coral Springs Chamber of Commerce this fall for a brief Overview of football and have been working on starting a course to teach women football. I’ve spoken to parents of Jet players and they have been very encouraging about helping their understanding in some way.
So many women want to learn but when they are watching with their husbands/boyfriends the guys really want to just watch the game, and I sure understand that. If they can learn the idea of what a first down is, why you punt, what a blitz is, off sides, they would understand the beauty of this game. I also speak at career days at schools to kids about my experience in football. I also always summarize the Jets game on Facebook and many say they enjoy my objectivity even though they know I live and die for my Jets. Let’s put it this way, I never tire about talking football.